The Cure For Mondayosis Excerpts from Rise of the Pirate Classes — Freedom from Mental Manacles We still had to get all the other parents to agree at least to considering the proposal before anything could go forward. I felt that it fell to me then. Such sudden wonderful visions of hope could end up […]
All posts in category Pirate Professor’s Blog
Blog of the Pirate Professor, fictional character from Rise of the Pirate Classes.
The Cure For Mondayosis, Excerpts from Rise of the Pirate Classes — Freedom from Mental Manacles
Posted by admin on 14/11/2021
The real value of an academic degree — not much.
The Shadow Scholar, by Ed Dante (pseudonym), a paper by a pay-per-project academic ghostwriter, demonstrates how the proliferation of ghost writing has reduced academic degrees and distinction to an expensive commodity enabling nearly anyone of wealth, regardless of incompetence and illiteracy to obtain one, but not those deserving of them. We are not talking […]
Posted by Gerry on 02/08/2017
July 4, 1776, a closer look at the declaration of independence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the […]
Posted by Gerry on 04/07/2017
A Glimpse into Learning
She drew in one direction and I in another, referencing the strings as needed. She came to add a few twists and turns in mine that magically enhanced the realism. The picture evolved over some undetermined time, time which seemed to have become forgotten and irrelevant. Finally standing back and regarding our project, she said […]
Posted by Gerry on 04/07/2017
Maiden Voyage
Hello. This is my blog. I am a fictional character from the book Rise of the Pirate Classes by K. Titchenell. Together with Jenny, Peter, Malcolm and Ping, I set sail to flee the tyranny of compulsory schooling and discovered what learning was really about.
Posted by Gerry on 16/06/2017