
The Pernicious Potentials of Gmail A recent suit against Google for its abuse of personal information collected through Gmail is being countered by the argument that Gmail users have absolutely no expectation of privacy, that anything sent or received  through Gmail is subject to scrutiny, analysis and commercial sale. Gmail has nonetheless become very popular, […]

Allotment poems

allotment garden poems The Garden – D. Titchenell Allotment or community Such gardens are, where e’er they be But plot or glebe of fecund soil Which yields when blessed with simple toil A trove of carrots, chard and beets And pristine veggies that one eats Commensurate with what was sown When we have nurtured on […]

The Cure For Mondayosis, Excerpts from Rise of the Pirate Classes — Freedom from Mental Manacles

The Cure For Mondayosis Excerpts from Rise of the Pirate Classes — Freedom from Mental Manacles We still had to get all the other parents to agree at least to considering the proposal before anything could go forward. I felt that it fell to me then.  Such sudden wonderful visions of hope could end up […]

A Psalm of Life — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A Psalm of Life Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!— For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem. Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul. […]

The real value of an academic degree — not much.

  The Shadow Scholar, by Ed Dante (pseudonym), a paper by a pay-per-project academic ghostwriter, demonstrates how the proliferation of ghost writing has reduced academic degrees and distinction to an expensive commodity enabling nearly anyone of wealth, regardless of incompetence and illiteracy to obtain one, but not those deserving of them. We are not talking […]

Passive acceptance of surveillance is the greatest threat to Internet freedom

Preserving privacy, democracy and freedom of speech are the big issues, if only we can see through the distracting murk that governments use to obscure that fact. The uncomfortable balance between the ruling elite and the governed is and always has been contentious and subject to periodic revision and upheaval.  This is an issue for […]

Homeschooling and the Art of Language — The Journalist and the Homeschooler

The following short article was inspired by this lecture by Robert Fisk on the failings of journalism. Continuation: Here is a link to the Youtube video queued up to start at 6:50 (, the point that is relevant to our discussion, and here is the continuation of the video: Homeschooling and the Art of […]

The Role of Language in Alternative Higher Education

Spoken and written language reveals instantly to anyone familiar with dialects, accents and erudition a great deal about the speaker/writer.   This is particularly true in academia, though American academics tend to be anomalously careless in that regard.  In the effort to establish a viable and reputable alternative to mainstream university study, the use of […]