English language study is found extremely difficult by many and for many very good reasons. The College Prep English Class for homeschoolers is one approach to addressing these issues and overcoming them. The ability to write a persuasive letter, place a cogent and cohesive phone call or make a positive impression in an interview all […]
All posts in category Higher Education Resources
College Prep English for Homeschoolers of Any Age! A Different Approach
Posted by admin on 29/01/2023
The Cure For Mondayosis, Excerpts from Rise of the Pirate Classes — Freedom from Mental Manacles
The Cure For Mondayosis Excerpts from Rise of the Pirate Classes — Freedom from Mental Manacles We still had to get all the other parents to agree at least to considering the proposal before anything could go forward. I felt that it fell to me then. Such sudden wonderful visions of hope could end up […]
Posted by admin on 14/11/2021
Homeschooling and the Art of Language — The Journalist and the Homeschooler
The following short article was inspired by this lecture by Robert Fisk on the failings of journalism. Continuation: Here is a link to the Youtube video queued up to start at 6:50 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xCjaGNHS_iA#t=410s), the point that is relevant to our discussion, and here is the continuation of the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaYSo3UwZL4&feature=relmfu. Homeschooling and the Art of […]
Posted by K Titchenell on 07/05/2014
New free online seminar: Rhetoric, the art of persuasive language.
Seminar to start in January 2012 Rhetoric — the art of persuasive language, both written and spoken. Topics may vary but emphasis will be upon vindicating and validating the unaffiliated, out-of-the-loop scholar and organization. Projects will include papers, lectures and debates and selected products will be published. The theme: Academics should be judged by their […]
Posted by admin on 24/12/2011
Certificates from online courses at MIT
This NY Times article presents the next step in MIT’s online offerings: The certificate. This is wonderfull! this is what the modern uncollegian needs. No doubt there will be opposition for other institutions but it’s an idea whose time has come and who can argue with MIT? MIT Open Courseware has been providing free online […]
Posted by admin on 22/12/2011